Filmmusik: Songs From Beauty And The Beast

Filmmusik: Songs From Beauty And The Beast
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.


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    • Tracklisting
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    1. 1 Alan Menken: Prologue: Beauty and the Beast (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack)
    2. 2 Belle (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack Version)
    3. 3 Paige O'Hara: Belle Reprise (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack Version)
    4. 4 Gaston (From "Beauty and the Beast" / Soundtrack Version)
    5. 5 Gaston (Reprise) (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack Version)
    6. 6 Be Our Guest (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack)
    7. 7 Something There (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack Version)
    8. 8 The Mob Song (From "Beauty and the Beast"/Soundtrack Version)
    9. 9 Angela Lansbury: Beauty and the Beast (From "Beauty and the Beast" / Soundtrack Version)
    10. 10 Beauty and the Beast (From "Beauty and the Beast" / Duet)