Gothminister: Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Underworlds

Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Underworlds
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.

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    • Label: AFM
    • Bestellnummer: 11728112
    • Erscheinungstermin: 3.5.2024

    Weitere Ausgaben von Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Underworlds

    • Tracklisting


    1. 1 Battle of the underworlds
    2. 2 We live another day
    3. 3 Creepy shadows
    4. 4 One dark happy nation
    5. 5 I am the devil
    6. 6 The procession
    7. 7 I will drink your blood
    8. 8 Aftermath
    9. 9 Tonight
    10. 10 We are the heroes
    11. 11 Monostereo creature
    12. 12 We come alive