Moby Grape: The Place And The Time

The Place And The Time
2 LPs
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.


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    • Label: Sundazed, 1967-68
    • Erscheinungstermin: 30.6.1990
    • Tracklisting
    • Mitwirkende


    1. 1 Indifference Columbia Records audition recording (1967)
    2. 2 Looper Columbia Records audition recording (1967)
    3. 3 Stop Demo recording (1967)
    4. 4 Rounder Instrumental outtake recording from the Moby Grape sessions (1967)
    5. 5 Sweet Ride (Never Again) Unedited version, recorded for the motion picture The Sweet Ride (1967)
    6. 6 Loosely Remembered Demo recording (1967)
    7. 7 The Place and the Time Alternate version from the Wow album sessions (1967)
    8. 8 Bitter Wind Demo recording (1967)
    9. 9 Seeing Alternate version from the Wow album sessions (1968)
    10. 10 What's to Choose Alternate version from the Wow album sessions (1968)
    11. 11 Miller's Blues* Alternate version from the Wow album sessions (1968)
    12. 12 Soul Stew Outtake recording from the Moby Grape '69 album sessions (1968)
    13. 13 If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes Demo recording (1968)


    1. 1 You Can Do Anything Demo recording (1967)
    2. 2 Skip's Song Demo recording (1967)
    3. 3 It's a Beautiful Day Today Demo recording (1968)
    4. 4 What's to Choose Demo recording (1967)
    5. 5 Hoochie Demo recording (1968)
    6. 6 Big Demo recording (1968)
    7. 7 Rounder Live recording (1968)
    8. 8 Miller's Blues Live recording (1968)
    9. 9 Changes Live recording (1968)
    10. 10 Looper Demo recording (1967)
    11. 11 Soul Stew Instrumental outtake recording from the Moby Grape '69 album sessions (1968)
    12. 12 Cockatoo Blues (Tongue-Tied) Demo recording (1968)