Serge Prokofieff: Peter und der Wolf op.67

Peter und der Wolf op.67
CD (Compact Disc)

Herkömmliche CD, die mit allen CD-Playern und Computerlaufwerken, aber auch mit den meisten SACD- oder Multiplayern abspielbar ist.


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    • Label: Chandos, DDD, 1986
    • Erscheinungstermin: 24.4.2009
    • Tracklisting
    • Details
    • Mitwirkende

    Disk 1 von 1 (CD)

    Peter und der Wolf op. 67 (Musikalisches Märchen für Kinder) (Gesamtaufnahme)
    1. 1 I am going to tell you a story...
    2. 2 The bird by the flute...
    3. 3 The duck by the oboe...
    4. 4 The cat by the clarnet...
    5. 5 The grandfather by the bassoon...
    6. 6 The wolf by the horns...
    7. 7 Peter by the strings of the orchestra...
    8. 8 The gunshots by the timpani and the bass drum...
    9. 9 Early one morning Peter opened the gate...
    10. 10 On a branch of a big tree sat a little bird...
    11. 11 Just then a duck came waddling around...
    12. 12 Seeing the duck, the little bird flew down upon the grass...
    13. 13 What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?
    14. 14 They argued and argued, the duck swimming...
    15. 15 Suddenly, something caught Peter's attention
    16. 16 The cat thought...
    17. 17 Look out! shouted Peter
    18. 18 ...while the duck quacked angrily at the cat...
    19. 19 ...from the middle of the pond...
    20. 20 The cat walked round the tree
    21. 21 Just then Grandfather came out
    22. 22 But Peter paid no attention to his grandfather's words
    23. 23 But Grandfather took Peter by the hand
    24. 24 No sooner had Peter gone...
    25. 25 In a twinkling the cat climbed up the tree
    26. 26 The duck quacked and, in her excitement, jumped out of the pond
    27. 27 But no matter how hard the duck tried to run...
    28. 28 And then he got her, and with one gulp, swallowed her
    29. 29 And now, this is how things stood: the cat was sitting on one branch...
    30. 30 ...the bird on another...
    31. 31 ...not too close to the cat...
    32. 32 And the wolf walked round and round
    33. 33 In the meantime Peter, without the slightest fear, stood behind the closed gate...
    34. 34 He ran home...
    35. 35 One of the branches of the tree...
    36. 36 Grabbing hold of the branch, ...
    37. 37 ...Peter lightly climbed over onto the tree
    38. 38 Peter said to the bird:...
    39. 39 The bird almost touched the wolf's head...
    40. 40 How that bird teased the wolf!
    41. 41 Meanwhile, Peter made a lassoo...
    42. 42 ...caught the wolf...
    43. 43 Feeling himself caught...
    44. 44 But Peter tied the other end...
    45. 45 ...and the wolf's jumping only made the rope...
    46. 46 Just then, ...
    47. 47 ...the hunters came out of the woods...
    48. 48 ...following the wolf's trail and shooting as they went
    49. 49 But Peter, sitting in the tree...
    50. 50 Now, just imagine...
    51. 51 ...the triumphant procession:...
    52. 52 ...Peter at the head, ...
    53. 53 ...after him the hunters leading the wolf...
    54. 54 ... and winding up the procession, ...
    55. 55 Above them flew Birdie chirping merrily
    56. 56 And if one listened very carefully...
    Cinderella op. 87
    1. 57 Introduction
    2. 58 Quarrel
    3. 59 Pavane
    4. 60 Cinderella and the Prince
    5. 61 Three Oranges
    6. 62 Southern Countries
    7. 63 Orientalia
    8. 64 Amoroso