Wesley Stace: Wesley Stace's John Wesley Harding

Wesley Stace's John Wesley Harding
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.


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    • Label: Yep Roc, 2017
    • Bestellnummer: 5668971
    • Erscheinungstermin: 23.2.2017

    Weitere Ausgaben von Wesley Stace's John Wesley Harding

    • Tracklisting


    1. 1 Don't wanna rock 'n' roll (ft. the jayhawks)
    2. 2 You're a song (ft. the jayhawks)
    3. 3 Better tell no one your dreams (ft. the jayhawks)
    4. 4 How you fall (ft. the jayhawks)
    5. 5 For me and you (ft. the jayhawks)
    6. 6 Hastings pier (ft. the jayhawks)
    7. 7 Audience of one (ft. the jayhawks)
    8. 8 Don't turn me loose (ft. the jayhawks)
    9. 9 The wilderness years (ft. the jayhawks)
    10. 10 What you want belongs to you (ft. the jayhawks)
    11. 11 Remember me (ft. the jayhawks)
    12. 12 Let's evaporate (ft. the jayhawks)

    Mehr von Wesley Stace