Swallow The Sun: Songs From The North I, II & III (Reissue 2019) (180g)

Songs From The North I, II & III (Reissue 2019) (180g)
5 LPs
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.


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    • Tracklisting
    • Mitwirkende

    Die Hörproben gehören zum Artikel Swallow The Sun: Songs From The North I, II & III (CD). Das Tracklisting kann bei diesem Artikel ggf. abweichen.


    1. 1 With you came the whole of the world's tears
    2. 2 10 silver bullets
    3. 3 Rooms and shadows
    4. 4 Heartstrings shattering


    1. 1 Silhouettes
    2. 2 The memory of light
    3. 3 Lost & catatonic
    4. 4 From happiness to dust


    1. 1 The womb of winter
    2. 2 The heart of a cold white land
    3. 3 Away
    4. 4 Pray for the winds to come
    5. 5 Songs from the North
    6. 6 66°50'N, 28°40'E
    7. 7 Autumn fire
    8. 8 Before the summer dies


    1. 1 The gathering of black moths
    2. 2 7 hours late


    1. 1 Empires of loneliness
    2. 2 Abandoned by the light
    3. 3 The clouds prepare for battle